What Moves the Needle on Today's SEO?

what moves the needle

What Moves the Needle today? Search engine optimization (SEO) can be a complex topic to master. It is so essential to online business, yet the rules are constantly changing. What worked four years ago might not work today and even could hurt your website. 

While Google is known for frequent updates and upgrading how they rate websites, there are a few things that web admins can always take to the bank as immediate actions that will help them rank better against the competition.

These basic tasks will not only help you with SEO in 2021 but in the years to follow. These tasks focus on helping visitors get exactly what they want, which is what Google wants.

When you're starting, forget about the "Over 200 different ranking factors." Instead, focus on the following tasks, and the needle on your SEO efforts will move.

Ensure you have an SSL Certificate

Even if you don't collect e-mail addresses or make direct purchases on your website, you'll want to ensure you have an SSL to secure the website. Security is now a measure that Google has outright said will help boost rankings, and those without it will be penalized in search results. An SSL moves the unsecured "HTTP" to the secured "HTTPS." Thus, letting the visitor know the site is secure, safe, and encrypted.

Google is serious about this. Aside from supporting the idea of a fully "secure" internet, this helps drastically cut down on common security issues that can cause issues for visitors and webmasters alike.

There are noticeable differences in rankings from an SSL. This is because secure websites are almost certainly seen as "tie-breakers" between sites vying for the exact keywords that otherwise measure up pretty equally.

Upgrade To Amazing Content

This is a quick way to get on the right side of Google and stay there. Google has always said that content is king, but now they have an advanced algorithm that can actually tell the quality of the writing, including puns, humor, and even sarcasm. In addition, they can now measure flow and the masterful use of language versus just an average piece of content or a boring "robotic" piece of writing that hits a checklist but doesn't read that well or isn't interesting.

There are many websites out there that get a lot of SEO stuff wrong and aren't well optimized, but they are ranking over really well-put-together websites because their writing is stunningly good – next level. Those sites will always beat out sites that hire low-level writers and have unprofessional content.

If you want to see some severe boosts in traffic, have truly next-level content.

Website Revisions/Updates Matter A Lot

The originally announced "Caffeine Update" by Google was a disappointment to web admins watching what Google said they wanted versus changes to the algorithm that took place. However, revising old content by adding new material, updating pictures, changing formatting, and giving it a solid once-over has positive effects in moving an old blog post or page up the search engine rankings.

This is doubly powerful and what moves the needle for more significant sites with some older blog posts. To get the most bang for your buck, start with high-performing posts to boost them even higher, then look for ones ranking in the number seven to the thirteenth positions of keywords and watch them jump to the mid to high page one. Then, enjoy the flood of new traffic!

Run an SEO Audit

Each website is going to have unique challenges. These depend on the niche, competition, local vs. national, and a wide array of other factors. While many balks initially at the idea of paying to "get an SEO report." This report can be an incredibly illuminating and valuable tool that shows you exactly where you are getting hit the hardest. Where you're doing well, and which areas are somewhere in the middle. This report helps to turn beliefs and conceptions and moves them into fact.

Quick Web Designs' SEO experts recommend a yearly Website Audit. Quick Web Designs' FREE comprehensive Website Audit provides an in-depth SEO analysis of your website. This report will unearth SEO opportunities your business could use to achieve and retain search rankings. In five to ten minutes, you will know by email the barriers hindering your website from ranking.

These basic SEO tasks discussed to move the needle are outstanding opportunities you can use today to boost your search engine rankings and get the results you are looking for.