6 Social Media Trends Business Owners Should Watch

social media trends

Are you interested in using social media to reach your target audience in 2023? Because the average person spends nearly two and a half hours daily on social media, it's a great way to reach potential customers and turn them into fans or even paying clients.

The world of social media is constantly changing and evolving, providing business owners unique opportunities to reach customers and engage in meaningful conversations. However, it's essential to understand these developments as they occur since trends can have huge impacts on the success of a company's online marketing efforts (not to mention their overall growth).

With that said, specific social media trends coming in 2023 will be significant for business owners to watch out for. In this article, we're going to cover six of them. So keep reading if you want to make sure your digital marketing stays up-to-date next year.

The Importance of Paying Attention to Trends in Social Media

Small business owners may not always have time to stay on top of every social media trend, but you must know what's happening. This is true when managing your accounts and observing the performances of competitors or influencers in your industry.

The landscape of social media is constantly changing. New trends appear regularly, so you must watch them to stay relevant. Conversely, ignoring popular trends can mean being left behind by potential customers.

It's easy enough to understand why keeping up with the latest trends can seem like a daunting task. After all, there are only so many hours in the day! That's why it often makes sense for you to outsource social media management.

Hiring an agency that specializes in this can simplify your workload and help ensure that you don't miss any opportunities as they come up.

Learning to pay attention to emerging trends doesn't have to take over your life completely. However, knowing how they work can help you make more informed decisions about where you focus your resources, whether time or money.

6 Social Media Trends to Consider in 2023

Are you unsure where to direct your social media marketing efforts this year? While there are several more trends to understand and implement, these six trends will be significant in the year ahead.

1. Brand Awareness

One of the top social media marketing trends of 2023 is that companies will be using it as a powerful brand awareness tool rather than just a way to direct traffic.

Social commerce is still expected to increase in popularity over the next few years. However, the focus for most brands will be on using social media platforms to express their values and build recognition around their products and services.

By understanding how people are responding to specific messages or campaigns, your brand can build relationships with its customers by creating content that resonates with them on an emotional level. Use this to create meaningful connections.

2. Social SEO

One of the newest trends in social media is social SEO. It involves optimizing content and accounts on popular networks like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. By utilizing keywords in titles, captions, hashtags, profiles, and other aspects of your presence on these platforms, you can increase your visibility against competitors searching for related terms.

TikTok is becoming an increasingly popular search engine in its own right. So it pays to optimize your presence on that platform, too. Utilizing relevant hashtags is a great way to ensure maximum visibility, as users browse hashtags rather than follow certain accounts. Creating videos that answer specific questions or highlight topics of interest can also help you stand out.

3. User-Generated Content

Current social media trends point to the idea that UGC is becoming increasingly popular among all types of brands. This type of content has several benefits, including the following:

  • Unique content
  • Boosts credibility
  • Increases brand authenticity
  • Speaks directly to your target audience

However, you don't have to work with a mega influencer to get the benefits of user-generated content. For example, if you sell primarily to young mothers in their 30s, hiring a young mother in her 30s to create content for your brand will help forge an emotional connection with potential customers.

4. BeReal

BeReal is one of the top social media trends for 2023 on a personal level. However, it's becoming critical for businesses, too. It involves taking a more authentic approach to your brand's presence on social media. This isn't about selling; it's about sharing your values, culture, and mission through honest dialogue that resonates with audiences.

BeReal encourages brands to be transparent about their successes and failures and share stories from real people who use their products or services. By providing "human-to-human" connections between your brand and its customers, BeReal helps to build trust and create an emotional connection that leads to long-term customer loyalty.

5. Video Content

If you managed a social account in 2022, you know how much videos shook the social media landscape. Expect that to continue into 2023.

More specifically, vertical video is one of the hottest current trends in social media. It provides an immersive experience that's well-suited to viewing on mobile. With the upsurge in the popularity of platforms like TikTok, vertical videos are becoming increasingly commonplace and effectively capture attention quickly.

6. LinkedIn Sharing

Finally, if your brand uses LinkedIn, prepare for a significant change. Whereas the platform used to be for sharing professional insights and industry updates, it will now become a more personal platform. Why the change?

It's tough to pinpoint precisely why this is happening. Some cite the decrease in trust in Facebook, forcing professionals over to LinkedIn, where they share somewhat personal posts as they would have on Facebook.

Others cite a change in LinkedIn's algorithm. It seems that long-form posts boasting great storytelling encourage people to stay on LinkedIn longer. LinkedIn loves that. Regardless, getting a little personal on LinkedIn is okay (and encouraged). This aligns with social trends shifting towards authenticity and less "professionalism."

Social Media Marketing Services

Need help implementing these social media trends? As a qualified social media marketing company, we can help!

To take your social media marketing to the next level, turn to Quick Web Designs. Our experienced team of professionals can provide tailored solutions and strategies to help you maximize your online presence and reach your target audiences.

From content creation and audience targeting to custom copywriting and image creation, our packages are designed with your unique needs in mind.

Contact us today. Our team is ready to help you make the most of your social media accounts for maximum impact.